Why It’s Dangerous to Be a Pretty Woman

Generally speaking, the more outwardly attractive a woman is the less God will be on her mind.

That’s why when you look at the world of supermodels, actresses, and beauty pageant winners God is not really in the mix. Let me tell you why.

So when I first stated my Instagram account, immediately in the “Explore” section, which is kinda like a section where they recommend profiles you can follow, they were all women. More specifically, women who wore clothes that didn’t cover everything. It wasn’t porn, but let’s just say, the clothes was meant to point to the body.

Keep in mind this was before I “followed” anyone. Somehow Instagram knew that I was male so they guessed that they should show what males might enjoy. And these women had something like 12,347 likes for a single photo. I was just blown away.

There’s a message, a not too subliminal one, that’s tell young ladies that if they want to be “somebody” on Instagram they need to show skin. So there’s pressure on them to just copy what they see.

Here’s the problem. It makes women think of themselves as sex objects. And they will then do whatever it takes to be desired by men. Be it the hair, make-up, clothes, etc. Now, I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with looking attractive. But when you obsess over it to the point where it’s tied into your self-worth, now that’s where it’s problematic.

Attractive women know that, generally speaking, they have their choice in men. There’s probably 15-20 interested dudes at any time. So then they decide on who’s their man based on what the man has to offer, be it money, opportunity, status, etc. What suffers is the call of God on their lives. When you can have any guy and the perks that come with it, who needs God? You can have any of the world’s stuff you want.

That’s why women who are 100% sold out to God are not going to be the supermodels with the bikini bodies. Nope.

That’s why it’s important for women to not let their beauty give them a big head. If God made you physically attractive, awesome. Just don’t be full of yourself.

Being a pretty woman can be so dangerous to your soul. All this to say… if you took care of what’s on the inside as much as what’s on the outside…. well, then you’ll be just fine.

1 Peter 3:3-4:

“Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel—  rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”

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