Are We Supposed to Do What Jesus Did?

Years ago there was a popular fad “WWJD”. People would wear the bracelets with the acronym and whenever they had to decide what to say or do in a certain situation they would think WWJD (What would Jesus do?).

Obviously, there are certainly some really great things Jesus did and said, but how exactly is one supposed to be like Jesus to others. No one would argue that believers are to love people, serve people, speak the truth, etc. But there are other things that Jesus did that I don’t see too many believers following including:

  • Jesus flipped tables.
  • Jesus yelled at people (Pharisees).
  • Jesus kept quiet when asked questions (Pilate).
  • Jesus didn’t want to do God’s will (Gethsemane).
  • Jesus turned water into wine.

Now this would be true with the apostles/early believers also. Here’s a few things:

  • The apostles casted lots to determine God’s will (Acts 1)
  • The believers sold all they had and pooled their resources together (Acts 4)
  • Paul instigated an argument so he could be protected (Acts 23)

There are more examples, but you get my point. So at the end of the day, we are pretty selective with how we want to imitate Jesus/apostles. We pretty much do what we want to do and don’t do what we don’t want to do or can’t do. I point this out so that you don’t over-spiritualize your own assessment of how tight you are with God.

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