When Christians Don’t Speak Out


Christians in America are under attack. Society is succeeding in silencing the Christian voice. And without a voice our influence is minimized. Let me give you some examples.

Meet Laura. She’s a medical researcher/doctor. Laura is highly regarded in her field. She keeps her faith to herself because she knows her colleagues will ridicule her if she expressed her faith not in evolution, but in creation. Plus, she is trying to get grants and if word gets out about her bio-ethics she might not get anything. So she keeps her faith to herself to preserve her image and her career.

Meet Fred. He’s a California-licensed counselor. State Law SB1172 prohibits him from to help a minor with homosexual tendencies to develop normal, opposite sex attraction. He’s not even supposed to bring this topic up even if the minor and his parents are wanting it so he doesn’t.

Meet Sandra. She’s a public school teacher. Sandra is required to put up posters in her classroom about homosexuality even though she might not agree with it. In other words, she is forced to be complicit in condoning this sexual orientation.

Meet Adam. He is a Washington state pharmacist. Though he doesn’t believe in abortion he is required by law to not refuse anyone who wants abortion-inducing drugs. He’s not even allowed to refer the patient to another pharmacy. Adam has worked so hard advancing his career and doesn’t want to lose his practice that he is thinking about just complying with the law.

Meet Susan. She owns a bakery. Susan was asked by a prospective customer to back a cake supporting homosexuality. When she politely refused she was sued and had to close her business.

There are many other examples, but I think you get the picture. Society is becoming more and more hostile to the Christian voice. In some ways this shouldn’t come as a surprise. But still it is surprising because I’ve not seen such hostility toward Christians in America like I see today.

Society is trying to force its’s view and agenda onto everyone. Some include homosexuality, abortion, pre-marital sex, extra-marital sex, etc. And they’ll say to you, “If you believe in Jesus, that’s great. Just keep it to yourself.” Society is forcing Christians to go along with their evil ways. First, they silence Christians. If you say something they disagree with then that’s hate language. Second, they are forcing Christians to participate in or at least not speak out against their agenda lest they be fired.

A lot of Christians are not fighting back. Part of it is because they are scared. They might get targeted, harassed, or worse. Part of it is because Christians don’t have strong convictions about these issues. They feel like if the law says this or that you just follow it. No questions asked.

Because there is little opposition society plummets faster into disarray. The anti-Christian mentality asserts itself in the minds of young children. For example, in California homosexuality is introduced and portrayed in a positive light as it has entered the curriculum.

Should Christians speak out? Absolutely. To what degree? That’s between a person and God. Speaking out might not stop the tide of evil, but may slow it down. And also, it may open the eyes of a few leading them to God.

For example, if a teacher posts a pro-homosexuality poster and never voices opposition to it students who see it may start to think that there’s nothing wrong with being homosexual. They might even start experimenting. This obviously can hurt them and those around them.

Another example, teachers are not encourage and/or permitted to speak about sexual abstinence to students. Instead, students are hearing about safe sex, which is not really safe. The implicit message is that it’s OK to have sex, which they do.

When the Christian voice is silenced society’s downfall is hastened. People are only hearing an anti-Christian message and typically adopt it. After all, they don’t hear any other point of view. Silencing the Christian voice is tantamount to stripping this group of people of influence over society. And we need this influence more than anything else now.

I’m not saying speaking out is easy. It’s hard. You can get harassed and even fired. But if you don’t you won’t be able to influence your world for the better.