Why the World Needs Real Men


There is a crisis in our nation, in our world. There are very, very few real men (it’s equally true for women, but I digress).

I can only speak of this generation of men. I heard that in the early part of the 20th century, men knew that if they wanted sex they would have to be responsible for his woman and the children that come. He couldn’t just have sex with a different woman every night. Women wouldn’t allow themselves to be played like that. But with contraceptives, day after pills, birth control, and abortion, a way was paved for men to have all the sex they wanted and none of the ensuing responsibility. This essentially has made men very weak, a shadow of who he was created to be.

If you think about it most problems in society would instantly disappear if men were men. For instance, sex trafficking would disappear because virtually all the customers are men. Pornography would largely disappear because most users are men. Divorce rates would be cut dramatically because men would trade in their older-looking wives for younger ones.  There would be no more affairs. If men were faithful women would not have any men to have affairs with. Families would be more intact as a result. Kids would not be as messed up.

Speaking of kids who are messed up I have a friend in Singapore. She’s a nice girl and you wouldn’t be able to tell this about her unless she told you, but because her parents divorced when she was 6, she always had a fear til this very day of her future husband divorcing her, which pretty much sabotages every potential opposite sex relationship she has and will have (unless she breaks that cycle). She has a general distrust of men.

And let’s talk about men who verbally and/or physically assault their wives/girlfriends. Or men who are so controlling and insecure they need to know the whereabouts of their women all the time.

Speaking of which, this reminds me of a college friend of mine who had such a control freak boyfriend, who she was literally scared of breaking up with because he might hurt her. So sad.

And of course, when it comes to being a toxic person, I hate to admit it, but my late father comes to mind. He berated my mother and singlehandedly destroyed my mom’s social life (He would be so rude to my mom’s friends that none of them wanted to come over to have even a conversation).

I can go on and on. These are not men. These are bullies. These are emasculated men.

Real men do the right thing. They protect. They provide. They defend the truth. They do the dirty work.

Real men put God first. Talk is cheap. Do it.

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