How Do You Know if You’ve Been Deceived?

Yes, you know that the Bible is true and that Jesus is the Savior. You know the Truth! That’s great! But did you know that though you know the Truth you might actually believe some lies, also? Now, I’m not talking about Bible truth here. I’m talking about the truth about history, politics, news, medicine, drugs, vaccines, current events, social issues, and whole host of other topics?

Have you ever seen the movie “The Matrix”? In it, people are drinking, eating, and enjoying life, but there’s only one problem. It’s not real. People are actually trapped like slaves by machines and made to think they are having a great life.

Can it be possible that some of what we believe to be true might actually not be? You bet it can.

So I was in my happy world until 6 years ago. My friend Dave sent me youtube videos on 9/11. I thought, “I don’t have time to watch conspiracy videos” But I knew Dave was not a psycho so I watched them and my world was rocked. It’s a weird feeling because I had never experienced this feeling before or since. It was as if everything I thought to be true was a lie. It made me question just about everything else. And I was shocked to find out how many lies I believed. I was mad because these lies ended up and still do hurt people.

The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12,

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

Obviously, there are dark forces in this world that are always mounting their dark agenda against people. Though this verse speaks about how it’s a spiritual war, in other parts of the Bible we do see that it’s not limited to a spiritual war. In other words, it can very much be a real war, too.

I’m sure you remember the story of the demon-possessed man or the woman with an unclean spirit or the fortune-telling girl who annoyed Paul. Just to mention a few. The spiritual war can be manifest in the world that we see.

Don’t have time to dive into every single topic, but let’s take a look at the topic of vaccines. We are told they are good for you, prevent disease, and keeps you healthy and safe. Now who in the world doesn’t want that? I know I want all these benefits and I’m sure you do, too. But the reality is just the opposite. If you do the research, you’ll find that at best, vaccines won’t harm you (in any noticeable way). It certainly doesn’t make you healthier. At worst, you can be injured or killed.

You won’t hear too many stories of vaccine injury and vaccine deaths because the news companies are pretty quiet about it. That’s what you expect when the news is in bed with pharmaceutical companies. You wouldn’t want to bite the hand that feeds you, would you?

Think about it. If you were the Devil, what better way to destroy people and their God-destined potential from happening than to persuade the masses that something that’s potentially lethal to you is actually beneficial?

My friend’s son, David, was injured by the MMR vaccine when he was just 1 year old. He was perfectly fine and happy until the shot. Then he disengaged socially, curled up, displayed anti-social behavior. Some four decades later, he can’t carry a conversation and is not independent. He won’t be marrying and started a God-honoring family. Because of his injury he can’t work even a simple job.

Now some might say David’s injury was God’s will. In a sense that’s true in that everything that happens, good or evil, is part of God’s unfolding will. In another sense, maybe God had some amazing plans for David, but the Devil smooshed it. We will probably never know what David could have been.

So that’s why it’s important for us to educate ourselves on what’s really going on in the world. If we don’t we may inadvertently do damage or allow damage to people entrusted to our care.

If you’re interested in diving more into these topics check out Ty Bollinger’s books “Monumental Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media and the Multitude of Lying Liars that Manufactured Them.

Now as you sorting through some of these topics, just keep an open mind.

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