Does the Bible Prohibit Saying Swear Words?

I remembered the first time I learned some swear words. I must have been second grade or so. Some of the Mexican kids on my school bus started saying the f-word. I had no idea what it meant. I didn’t even know if was a swear word until someone else told me it was. And even then I didn’t know what swear words were.

As a believer, we are to abide by the Scriptures. It says in Ephesians 4:29 says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

With that said, it doesn’t really specify exactly what is unwholesome. So to categorically say that the f-word (or whatever your choice swear word is) is a violation of this command may be a stretch. The f-word is sometimes used when someone is really angry. Sometimes it’s used in a funny way. Sometimes it’s used to express surprise.

I know that some people stumble when they hear the f-word. I personally don’t use it for that reason. I don’t want my weaker brothers to stumble. And it’s not a word that I must use in my everyday life. I rarely find occasions where I just have to say it. In fact, so rare, I can’t remember the last time I used it.

And of course, it doesn’t bother me one bit if people start mouthing off the f-word. I really don’t care. Some people have not been as blessed as me with an expansive vocabulary so it’s just part of their everyday language. I also would not ask people not to say it because I don’t want to inhibit their communication with me. I want them to be free to say whatever.

But would I teach my kids to refrain from using the f-word? I would. Not because the Bible prohibits it. But because it’s unnecessary to make others around you stumble. Why risk losing relationships over it? It’s just not worth it.

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